NYISA-SE League Mallory Qualifier - OFFICIAL


Odd-numbered teams rotate into next boat while even-numbered teams rotate into previous boat (swap) every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers11335577
MattituckMattituck Tuckers22886644
Rye Country DayRye Country Day Wildcats33557711
RyeRye Garnets44228866
St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist Cougars55771133
SyossetSyosset Braves66442288
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears77113355

B Division

MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers22446688
MattituckMattituck Tuckers11775533
Rye Country DayRye Country Day Wildcats44668822
RyeRye Garnets33117755
St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist Cougars66882244
SyossetSyosset Braves55331177
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears88224466