Kitsap 10% Regatta - JV


Saturday, March 18:

Regatta Chair: Chris Campbell PRO: Rusty Lhamon

Special thanks are in order to Bob and Lisa Wise for the generous donation of the use of Eagle Harbor Marina as a base of operation for the teams rotating between fleets. In addition, thanks go to the BHS Sailing Team and the army of volunteers both onshore and on the water.

The early forecast for the first day of racing was for wet and windy conditions, but then moderated and looked like we would be stuck in a convergence zone all day. It started off wet, and looked like the wind wouldn't materialize.

Fortunately, the wind filled quickly and was initially from the Southeast at around 5 knots. Shifts were consistent oscillations of 90°+/-. After a blue-sky hole rolled over us early in the afternoon, we thought the wind would shift west. Instead a strong system won out and pushed down from the North, bringing colder temps and a strong Northerly. The course was quickly inverted and racing resumed in a 12 to 18 knot Northerly. Many boats capsized and the JV teams were sent in for the remainder of the day.

Courses were "W1" - windward, leeward, finish to windward; and "W2" - windward, leeward, windward, finish downwind.

Sunday, March 19:

Regatta Chair: Chris Campbell PRO: Rusty Lhamon

The day's early start was met with frost on the boats and light air. The fog quickly burned off and the sun came out to make a gorgeous day. The wind filled in from the North/Northeast at about 3 to 5 knots. The breeze shifted East-Northeast mid day, and the course was moved to run east-west just off the rotation float at Eagle Harbor Marina.

We were able to finish an 8 race rotation for the Varsity teams and a 6 race rotation for JV.

Courses were "W1" - windward, leeward, finish to windward; and "W2" - windward, leeward, windward, finish downwind.

Score summary

1OrcasVikings 1121527
2BainbridgeSpartans 2161228
3Nathan Hale HSRaiders372461
4OrcasVikings 2372966
6SehomeMariners 1425597
7Oak HarborWildcats3962101
8Lycee Francais ChiRed Hawks5844102
9BainbridgeSpartans 14459103
12SehomeMariners 26660126
13North KitsapDogfish7764141
14Central KitsapCougars6973142
15Friday HarborWolverines8166147

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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