VISA Poquoson Fleet Race Regatta

Scores for Division A

1Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School20Ellie Maus '18
Oaks 1Matt Wright '19
2Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School22Daniel Vail '17
Oaks 2Chris Robertson '19
3Nansemond-Suffolk AcNansemond-Suffolk Academy24Kaila Pfrang '17
SaintsElise Coberly '17
4YorkYork High School26Zane Morris '18
VarsityKylee Hockaday '17
5PoquosonPoquoson High School29Jack McKenna '20
IslandersEmmaline DiCarlo '20
6MauryMaury High School31Charlie Britt '20
Commodores 1Sophia Bibbo '20
7Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy34Blake Harrington '181
NavigatorsWilliam Thornton '171
8KecoughtanKecoughtan High School41Cole Handly '19
WarriorsGrace Holloway '171-4
Mallory Soter '205-6
9GraftonGrafton High School50Zack George '192
VarsityZack George '192
10MauryMaury High School54Andrew Redfearn '191-2
Jalen Rogers '193-6
Commodores 2Emily Palmer '181-2,5-6
Samuel Harris '183-4
11PhoebusPhoebus High School68David Michael Jennings '141-5
Morgan Handly '216
PhantomsWill Olson '173
12HamptonHampton High School75Nick Winkle '20
CrabbersAnna Patterson '16
1Phoebus sailor
2Tabb sailor
3Kecoughtan sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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