Keelboat Kickoff

Scores for Division B

1WinchesterWinchester High School8James Kiley '20
Sachems 1Ciara Campbell '20
Scott Ferreira '20
2Cambridge R&LCambridge R&L School22Thomas Craciun '23
FalconsAnna Rasmussen '23
Julia Rasmussen '23
*3SharonSharon High School26Chava (Roni) Sosis '18
Eagles 2Merrick Tian '18
Sam Edson '18
*4Newton NorthNewton North High School26Gus Betts-O'Rourke '19
TigersEthan Gahm '19
Charlotte Harrison '19
5SharonSharon High School29Arthur Rabinovich '18
Eagles 1Johan Cho '21
Lynn Fu '18
6Boston LatinBoston Latin SchoolMRP30Meghan McGonagle '22
WolfpackDaniel Bryan '22
Nathaniel O'Brien '19
Lucas Caron '20
**7WellesleyWellesley High School35Eric Thompson '201-2
Hailey Feinzig '183-4
RaidersThomas Gartley '181-2
Hailey Feinzig '181-2
Emily Lo '203-4
Eric Thompson '203-4
**8Lincoln Sudbury RegiLincoln Sudbury RHS35Blake Danzigeer '18
Warriors 1Jenny Lawton '20
b9WaylandWayland High School39Connor Rader '22
Warriors 2Wil Obar '22
Walker Whitehouse '22
b10HinghamHingham High School39Ethan Burt '221-3
Sara Menesale '244
Harbormen 1Carter Driggs '281-2
Sam Bennion '22
Ellie Smith '243-4
11WaylandWayland High School44Jacob Schilp '22
Warriors 1Dylan Rader '18
Jayden Sun '19
Joel Puckett '21
12Lincoln Sudbury RegiLincoln Sudbury RHS50Patrick Mcnulty '19
Warriors 2Sloane Wendel '21
**13HinghamHingham High SchoolMRP52No show
Harbormen 2No show
**14NatickNatick High School52Maeve Clifford '191-2
Connor Spurling '193-4
Redhawks 2Melina Troccolo '19
Connor Spurling '191-2
Maeve Clifford '193-4
15Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA54No show
Needham HSNo show
16WinchesterWinchester High School56Isabel Croteau '20
Sachems 2Mia Matteucci '20
Michael Yorsz '20
17NatickNatick High School61Katie Blinn '19
Redhawks 1Anna McEnaney '22
Lilian Briggs '19
*Number of high-place (4) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker
bNumber of high-place (6) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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