O'Day Qualifier - Greenwich, CT

Scores for Division A

1DartmouthDartmouth High School24Thomas Walker '20
IndiansBen Will '18
2Choate Rosemary HallChoate Rosemary Hall30Tommy Styron '20
Wild BoarsTagan Farrell '20
3BrunswickBrunswick School31William Michels '21
BruinsAlex Ohls '24
4Manchester/Essex RegManchester/Essex RHS32Hannah Freeman '22
HornetsLena Brzezinski '19
5Fairfield PrepFairfield Prep36Jamie Paul '20
JesuitsChristian Haranzo '20
6Boston CollegeBoston College High School40Bell Jed '18
EaglesCreamer Zachary '19
7Greens Farms AcademyGreens Farms Academy41Nancy Duer '23
DragonsMax Laferriere '23
8Fairfield LudloweFairfield Ludlowe High School42Jonathan Mears '18
FalconsTory Miletti '18
9GreenwichGreenwich High School49Pierce Ornstein '18
CardinalsThomas Barry '20
10North KingstownNorth Kingstown High School50Dixon Wixted '21
SkippersKevin Stamp '18
11Greenwich AcademyGreenwich Academy52Ashton Borcherding '18
GatorPedersen Naomi '21
12DarienDarien High School61Adeline Schoen '18
Blue WaveIsabel Infurna '20
13RogersRogers High School74Tyler Miller '19
VikingsEmma Porter '181-3
Grey Aycock '204-6
14MiddletownMiddletown High School85Ryan Olynack '19 *
IslandersLily Belka '20
15StaplesStaples High SchoolMRP86No show
The WreckersNo show

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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