FIGAWI High school Invitational

Scores for Division A

1NantucketNantucket High School25James Taaffe '01 *
Nantucket WhalersLilly Bartlett '20 *
2Cape Cod AcademyCape Cod Academy41Sophia Peck '22
SeahawksHailey Pemberton '19
3Bishop StangBishop Stang High51Clinton Hegarty '19
SpartansSophia Hirschmann '19
4DartmouthDartmouth High School56Mitchell Spell '191-6
Izaiah Farr '197-11
IndiansLiam Harkins '191-6
Mitchell Spell '197-11
5Marthas Vineyard RegMarthas Vineyard RHS60Alex Nagel '191-10
VineyardersChristian Schmidt '191-10
6Barnstable HSBarnstable HS62John Cilizzi '19
RaidersLilly Mathieu '19
7Pope John Paul II  (St. John Paul II School67
8SandwichSandwich Middle High School80Kari Gould '19
VarsityLayla Sastry '19
9Nauset RegionalNauset Regional High School86
10Dennis Yarmouth RHSDennis Yarmouth RHS101Tucker"Jack" Tierney '19
VarsityGrace Cotoia '21 *
11Monomy  (Chatham)Monomoy High School (Chatham)123George Spalt '20
SharksLindsey Mellett '20
12Falmouth , MAFalmouth High School, MA131Jacob Tura '19
ClippersShefali Singh '191-6
Celia Lewis '207-11
13Sturgis East CharterSturgis Charter Public School133
14Old Rochester RegionOld Rochester RHS141

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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