Foundry Spring #3


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

BayBay Varsity11335577991
BayBay Mixed2244668810102
Lakewood  (OH)Lakewood (OH) Mixed33557799113
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity4466881010224
Rocky RiverRocky River Mixed55779911335
Saint Joseph AcademySaint Joseph Academy Mixed6688101022446
St. EdwardSt. Edward Mixed77991133557
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats8810102244668
Toledo Technology AcToledo Technology Ac Tigers99113355779
Westerville SouthWesterville South Mixed10102244668810

B Division

BayBay Varsity2244668810102
BayBay Mixed33557799113
Lakewood  (OH)Lakewood (OH) Mixed4466881010224
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity55779911335
Rocky RiverRocky River Mixed6688101022446
Saint Joseph AcademySaint Joseph Academy Mixed77991133557
St. EdwardSt. Edward Mixed8810102244668
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats99113355779
Toledo Technology AcToledo Technology Ac Tigers10102244668810
Westerville SouthWesterville South Mixed11335577991