NYISA-SE League Fleet Race Championships


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers113
MattituckMattituck Tuckers224
NorthportNorthport Northport VS335
Rye Country DayRye Country Day Wildcats557
RyeRye Garnets668
St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist Cougars779
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears881
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates446
Westhampton Beach (NWesthampton Beach (N Hurricanes992

B Division

MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers101010
MattituckMattituck Tuckers111111
NorthportNorthport Northport VS121212
Rye Country DayRye Country Day Wildcats141414
RyeRye Garnets151515
St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist Cougars161616
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears171717
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates131313
Westhampton Beach (NWesthampton Beach (N Hurricanes181818