SEISA Team Race Championship


Sunday, April 14:

0800 The wind is currently at 30 mph out of the east. Forecasts indicate sustained winds exceeding 20 mph for the rest of the day, with little change in direction. This, of course, will create severe wave action throughout the day.

In my opinion these conditions are unsafe for the participants, umpires and Race Committee members. Moreover, we would undoubtedly experience a multitude of breakdowns, damaging equipment, and further endangering participants. Finally, these conditions are not conducive to team racing.

For these reasons, we will not be racing today, and the Regatta will have to be rescheduled.

Tentatively this is being rescheduled to Saturday April 27, 2019 with the location TBA. For further information, please contact SEISA at

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No scores have been entered yet for this regatta. View rotations.