2022 NWISA Team Racing District Championship

Notice board

Sailing Instructions - v1

v1 of the Sailing Instructions has been posted. You can access the sailing instructions here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10-HbFHq4qSnO5-fdDgXFFpdjyXH4_q1y/view?usp=sharing

Rotations Posted

Round Robin 1 through 5 rotations are posted.

Sailing Instructions - v2

v2 of the Sailing Instructions has been posted. You can access the sailing instructions here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10D7v-w9TxdA9PPlj_5w6PfvEZi_L7O2_/view?usp=sharing

Sailing Instructions - v3

v3 of the Sailing Instructions has been posted. Appendix P (1.7 in the SIs) has been removed.

You can access the SIs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10FCXPs42XaiJ0a3qRUk2a0ln0un8F5f3/view?usp=sharing