Foundry #2 Spring Regatta


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

BayBay Rockets11
BayBay Varsity22
Beaumont Mixed33
Olentangy LibertyOlentangy Liberty Mixed44
Olentangy OrangeOlentangy Orange Mixed55
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity66
St. EdwardSt. Edward Mixed77
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats88
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Mixed99
Worthington KilbournWorthington Kilbourn Mixed1010

B Division

BayBay Rockets22
BayBay Varsity33
Beaumont Mixed44
Olentangy LibertyOlentangy Liberty Mixed55
Olentangy OrangeOlentangy Orange Mixed66
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity77
St. EdwardSt. Edward Mixed88
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats99
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Mixed1010
Worthington KilbournWorthington Kilbourn Mixed11