Friday Night Lights#4

Scores for Division B

1BarringtonBarrington High School9Christopher Chwalk '241-2
Brendan Jay '233-5
EaglesQuin Schneider '251-2,5
Christopher Chwalk '243-4
2Portsmouth  RIPortsmouth High School RI19
*3East GreenwichEast Greenwich High School20Curtis Sims '221-2
Owen Warren '243-4
Milo Baumgartner '255
AvengersPierson Falk '241-4
Beckett Nutting '245
*4Moses BrownMoses Brown School20Otto Kalfelz '23
QuakersNatthavee Kunathai '241-2,5
Steven Lyu '243-4
5Rocky Hill Country Day School26
6The ProutThe Prout School27Noah Harris '22
CrusadersAndrew Gudz '26
7MiddletownMiddletown High School31
*8RogersRogers High School40Morgan Spring '251-2
Andrew Goodburn '243-4
VikingsCaitlin McCabe '221-2
Matthew Mullins '233-4
*9ClassicalClassical High School40Brettyn Newsome '231-21
PurpleIsabella Student '241-21
10North KingstownNorth Kingstown High School43Luna Balcirak '251-3
Cameron Boyd '234-5
SkippersMathilde Faergemann '241-3
Sofia Simas '244-5
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Rogers sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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