Scores for Division B

1St. Marys  (MD)St. Mary's High School (MD)3Halsey Carter '261-2
SaintsLuc Tetreault '271-2
2SevernSevern School6Ashton Perkins '281-6
AdmiralsAna Fishback '271-6
3The GunstonGunston7Andrew Shingledecker '273-5
HeronsAnnabelle Baker '263-5
4KeyKey School10Casey Burman '281-2
ZagsHugo Raftovich '261-2
*5Severna ParkSeverna Park13Jake Beaver '271-2
FalconsConnor Smith '251-2
*6Patuxent13Nolan Wingate '281-3
PanthersJekari Mason '29 *1-3
**7Kent IslandKent Island High School16Zachary Wells '25
BuccaneersAdalyn Biles '27
**8Saints Peter & PaulSts. Peter & Paul16Victor Kleppinger '251-2
SabresRiley Schnable '251-2
9BroadneckBroadneck High School17Skyler Krinetz '25
BruinsElla Chasse '27
b10Great MillsGreat Mills High School20Clara Wilson '251-3
HornetsOwen Delwiche '251-3
b11The Tome School20Nathaniel Wyman '281-3
TitansEmerson Stehl '261-3
12South RiverSouth River High School21Hayden Medick '26
SeahawksMatthew Treatman-Clark '27
13Henderson High School27Peter Mazzagatti '261-3
WarriorsMaggie DeFonzo '261-3
14Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School29Jared Werner '251-3
RaidersC. Aubrey Reese '261-3
c15SouthernSouthern High School36Liam Grigg '28
BulldogsCarter Steiert '27
c16Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School36Amelia Wire '271-2
James Stahl '273-4
VikingsSara Corbett '251-4
c17Winston Churchill High School36Erez Engler '251-4
BulldogsMin Chi Chao '271-41
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
**Number of high-place (6) finishes
bNumber of high-place (7) finishes
1Montgomery Blair sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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