NP #4 Sunbury

Scores for Division A

1WandoWando High School6Zack Carvajal '22
WarriorsMadeleine Harris '25
2Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny High School - FL8Bridget Monahan '22
Bishop KennyTia Schoening '22
3James Island CharterJames Island Charter High School11Carson Shaw '23
VarsityMolly Loring '241-2
Bryson Eaton '243-4
4AquinasAquinas High School22Alex Bagnoni '23
Fighting IrishDiego Pryor '241-2
Anselme Pierson '243-4
*5John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School24Ben Usher '23
Vikings VarsityAndrew Simpson '231-2
Trey Medlin '253-4
*6Richmond Hill Sailing24Jonah Daniels '25
VarsityJoseph Moore '23
7Glynn AcademyGlynn Academy27Sebastian Helgesen '231-2
Eli Herndon '223-4
VarsityWill McKinnon '23
8St. Vincent's Academy29Ella Carroll '26
Saints VarsityVivian Burns '25
9Porter-GaudPorter-Gaud School33Graham Cosby '231-2
Fordham Smith '233-4
VarsityLisee Skoglund '23
10Episcopal  of JacksoEpiscopal School of Jacksonville37McRae Busey '25
ESJRohan Jones '24
*Number of high-place (4) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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