St. George's Fall Invitational

Scores for Division B

1St. George'sSt. George's School21Lucca Antonietti '25
Dragons 2Morelia Perez '26
2St. George'sSt. George's School22Pearse Dowd '25
Dragons 1Henry Breslin '23
*3BarringtonBarrington High School25Christopher Chwalk '241-4
Brendan Jay '235-6
EaglesAvery Guck '241-4
Christopher Chwalk '245-6
*4DuxburyDuxbury High School25Myles Olney '24
DragonsMelena Amoratis '23
5St. George'sSt. George's School27Ike Schutz '25
Dragons 3Max Miller '24
6Tabor AcademyTabor Academy41Max Murray '231-2,5-6
Maria Castle '253-4
SeawolvesTheo Binder '251-2,5-6
Morgan Whitlock '253-4
7GreenwichGreenwich High School44Martha Schuessler '231-2,5-6
Richard Sykes '263-4
CardinalsMollie Wood '25
8Portsmouth AbbeyPortsmouth Abbey School47Jancy Grayson '241-2
Quinn Brighton '233-4
Ben Bredin '235-6
RavensLiam Barry '231-2,5-6
Mary Powell '233-4
9SharonSharon High School50Isabella Cho '231-2,5-6
Rohan Shah '233-4
EaglesGrace Kokkotos '231-2,5-6
Akash Shah '233-4
10PortlandPortland High School51Jack Taylor '23
BulldogsFrankie Sparrow '23
11Marthas Vineyard RegMarthas Vineyard RHS65Griffin Stead '23
VineyardersHuck Moore '24
12HinghamHingham High School69Carter Driggs '281-4
Parker Bradyl '255-6
HabormenGabe Synnott '241-2,5-6
Chris Hoppe '253-4
13Cape Cod AcademyCape Cod Academy70Lydia Stanney '271-2
Nick Kowaleski '253-4
Noah Belson '255-6
SeahawksAlex Daigle '251-2,5-6
Alex Herman '263-4
14GuilfordGuilford High School82Pete Johnson '26
GrizzliesJackson Ragnow '24
15MarbleheadMarblehead High School87Anne Simcoe '23
FishwagonsOlivia Hoover '23
**16Milton AcademyMilton Academy99Molly O'Brien '261-4
Eliot Hack '245-6
MustangsEliot Hack '241-4
Navid Nasser Ghodsi '245-6
**17XavierXavier High School99Oliver Snow '25
Xavier High FalconsHolden Riley '241-2,5-6
Gavin Peterson '253-4
18Needham High SchoolMRP124Alec Purrington '24
RocketsParker Fiset '25
*Number of high-place (2) finishes
**Number of high-place (16) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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