VISA Kecoughtan Fleet Regatta

Scores for Division A

1Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School14Alex Schuck '21
Oaks 1Adam Elci '22
*2Nansemond-Suffolk AcNansemond-Suffolk Academy17Kyle Pfrang '22
SaintsLeila Pfrang '25
*3Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy17Sean Trudell '24
BulldogsJennifer Permenter '21
4GraftonGrafton High School48Blake Goodwin '23
VarsityNathan Shaw '26
5Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy49Pierce Brindley '24
NavigatorsLiam Ambrosino '23
6PoquosonPoquoson High School59Chase Brewer '22
Islanders 2Barrett Wise '23
7Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School63Kiana Beachy '24
Oaks 2Jackson Delanty '23
8MauryMaury High School70Joe Murphy '241
CommodoresAva Morgan '25
9YorkYork High School72Ben Clarke '16
VarsityLiam Burke '27
10GranbyGranby High School73Henry Allard '23
CometsHannah Bonheur '24
11PoquosonPoquoson High School80Aubrey Walton '23
Islanders 1Sam Palmertree '211-6
Ella LaRocco '227
Hunter Walton '258
12The HagueThe Hague School96Charlotte Stillman '23
The TritonsGianna Dunn '232
13KecoughtanKecoughtan High School97Morgan Handly '21
WarriorsMolly Hanson '23
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
1Granby sailor
2Maury sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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