MDISA Gunston Spring Bronze '22

Scores for Division B

1The GunstonGunston9Robbie Wilmer '24
Herons 1Ben Gilbert '25
2Saints Peter & PaulSts. Peter & Paul19Louisa Kalinski '25
SabresCaroline Welte '25
3Patuxent25Thomas Birchfield '271-2,5-6
Joseph DiBonaventuro '263-4
PanthersFreyja Raines '271-2
Thomas Birchfield '273-4
Joseph DiBonaventuro '265-6
4BroadneckBroadneck High School33Erin Lawlor '26
BruinsFelicia Gomoljak '26
5The GunstonGunston34Julia Buchanan '23
Herons 3Grace Anne Philips '231-2
Maggie Miller '233-6
6SouthernSouthern High School35Fiona O'Rourke '27
Bulldogs 1Robert Whisman '24
7Friends School of Baltimore39Henry Kozlowski '251
Friends of BaltimorMason Vock '252
8SouthernSouthern High School45Nola Primeaux '25
Bulldogs 2Maggie Dowling '27
9Sidwell Friends47Bruce McIntyre '281-2,5-63
Emmett Nash '28 *3-4
FoxChi Chi Chao '27 *
10Notre Dame PreparatoNotre Dame Preparatory School49Sophia Hammond '26
BlazersSebastian Haber '272
11The GunstonGunston64Lilah Paddy '24
Herons 2Lucia Melchiorre '251-2,5-6
Ari Triandos '243-4
1Hereford sailor
2Loyola Blakefield sailor
3Eastern sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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