MDISA Kent Island

Scores for Division A

1Henderson High School8James Cottage '23
WarriorsNathaniel Wyman '281
2SevernSevern School14Will Friedell '24
AdmiralsJohn Szynal '24
3St. Marys  (MD)St. Mary's High School (MD)18Halsey Carter '26
SaintsGracie Houseman '26
4The GunstonGunston22Tommy McGeady '251-2,5
Ian Kissel '233-4
HeronsEli Moore '251-2,5
Matthew Periconi '243-4
5McLean High School25Brady Briggs '232
HighlandersErin Casey '251-2,53
Eli Cummins '273-44
6Kent IslandKent Island High School27Jackson Park '221-2
Theo Ransom '223-4
William Fachet '235
BuccaneersNoah Wigglesworth '221-2
Catherine Valentino '223-4
Dylan McCormick '255
7Saints Peter & PaulSts. Peter & Paul36Armand Otmishi '24
SabresJosh Sambrano '23
8Severna ParkSeverna Park37Pierce Brenner '25
FalconsConnor Smith '251-4
Alexandria Still '275
9Winston Churchill High School44Ethan Cohen '22
BulldogsGraeme Finley '25
10Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School46Stefano De Leo '231-2,5
Brendan Finn Van Riper '243-4
VarsityLuke Johnson '251-2,5
Marco Pilotto '253-4
1The Tome sailor
2The Field sailor
3Without Walls sailor
4Dunbar sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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