SAISA South Points SP#5 Junior Varsity

Scores for Division B

1Immaculata La SalleImmaculata La Salle High School12No show
Royal LionsEmely Tamayo '24
2Saint Thomas AquinasSt. Thomas Aquinas High School20Max Turner '251-7
RaidersAlena Rayko '261-7
3Ransom EvergladesRansom Everglades School24Gideon Shaked '221-7
Raiders 1Rebecca Ferrer '241-2,5-6
Christine Keedy-Brown '243-4,7
4Vero Beach High School32Machael Ladd '261-7
Vero BeachJames Collins '261-7
5Gulliver PreparatoryGulliver Preparatory School41Benjamin Pasquier '251-2,5-7
Gustavo Alonso '253-4
RaidersMateo Lowe '241-2,5-7
Helena Hermann '253-4
6Fort MyersFort Myers High School42
Green Wave
7H. B. PlantH. B. Plant High School45Lydia Woolson '241-7
PanthersElizabeth Chao '231-7
8Jensen BeachJensen Beach High School48Austin Peterson '23
FalconsMichael Horn '25
9Ransom EvergladesRansom Everglades School51
Raiders 2
10South ForkSouth Fork High School77

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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