SAISA Beaufort Open


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, with starting sails offset for subsequent divisions.

A Division

Academic MagnetAcademic Magnet Raptors A1122334455
Ashley HallAshley Hall Panthers2233445566
BeaufortBeaufort Varsity3344556677
BeaufortBeaufort JV4455667788
Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny FL Bishop Kenny5566778899
Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny FL Bishop Kenny Red667788991010
Episcopal  of JacksoEpiscopal of Jackso ESJ77889910101111
Glynn AcademyGlynn Academy Varsity8899101011111212
James Island CharterJames Island Charter Varsity991010111112121313
James Island CharterJames Island Charter JV101011111212131311
Lake NormanLake Norman Wildcats1111121213131122
WandoWando Wando Warriors12121313112233
WandoWando Wando JV131311223344

B Division

Academic MagnetAcademic Magnet Raptors A77889910101111
Ashley HallAshley Hall Panthers8899101011111212
BeaufortBeaufort Varsity991010111112121313
BeaufortBeaufort JV101011111212131311
Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny FL Bishop Kenny1111121213131122
Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny FL Bishop Kenny Red12121313112233
Episcopal  of JacksoEpiscopal of Jackso ESJ131311223344
Glynn AcademyGlynn Academy Varsity1122334455
James Island CharterJames Island Charter Varsity2233445566
James Island CharterJames Island Charter JV3344556677
Lake NormanLake Norman Wildcats4455667788
WandoWando Wando Warriors5566778899
WandoWando Wando JV667788991010