2021 NWISA Fall Champs - Silver Fleet


Saturday, November 6:

Nice Sailing Conditions. Current in the river but great wind from the south.

Sunday, November 7:

Good Wind and Cold. Sun throughout the day and rain in the morning.

Score summary

1OlympiaBears 2353974
2Lincoln ORCardinals 3464490
3OlympiaBears 12582107
4BainbridgeSpartans 26169130
5Oak HarborWildcats11928147
7OlympiaBears 37486160
8Lincoln ORCardinals 29175166
9BainbridgeSpartans 18690176
10Gig HarborTides 111399212
11Port TownsendRedhawks95124219
13BainbridgeSpartans 398168266
14BellinghamBayhawks 1161109270
15BainbridgeSpartans 4133144277
17Gig HarborTides 2168138306
18BellinghamBayhawks 2161156317
19Lincoln ORCardinals 1173152325
20BellinghamBayhawks 3179150329

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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