James Allgeier

Coming soon

NameHostTypeScoringStart time
VISA Maury/Hague Fleet RegattaNorfolk Yacht and Country ClubIn-League2 Divisions09/07/2024 @ 09:00

Season history for Fall 2024

It appears James Allgeier has not participated in any regattas this season.

Season history for Spring 2024

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
Norfolk AcademySkipper3/8
Bainbridge/Oak HarborSkipper9/12
TRYC & BBYRASkipper1/18 (B Div)
Norfolk Yacht and Country ClubSkipper2/10
Norfolk CollegiateSkipper2/7
Christchurch SchoolSkipper9/18 (A Div)
Youth Sailing VirginiaSkipper3/14 (A Div)
Norfolk Yacht and Country ClubSkipper1/6
KecoughtanSkipper2/18 (A Div)

Season history for Fall 2023

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
St. Mary's College of MarylandSkipper12/18 (B Div)
Youth Sailing VirginiaSkipper2/5
Christchurch SchoolSkipper3/19 (A Div)
Old Dominion University Sailing CenterSkipper5/12
Norfolk Yacht and Country ClubSkipper2/8
Norfolk AcademySkipper2/6
KecoughtanSkipper1/18 (B Div)
Norfolk AcademySkipper1/6
Norfolk Yacht and Country ClubSkipper1/18 (B Div)