Maureen McGarry

Season history for Spring 2017

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
Christian BrothersSkipper9/15 (B Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew5/17
SSYCCrew6/10 (A Div)5/10 (B Div)
Christian BrothersCrew6/18 (B Div)
Washington CollegeCrew5/13 (B Div)
Christian BrothersCrew11/15 (A Div)
Toms River SouthCrew5/10 (A Div)
TRYC OCCCrew5/14 (B Div)
TRYC OCCCrew6/12 (A Div)
SUNY MaritimeCrew2/13 (B Div)

Season history for Fall 2016

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
TRYC & OCcCrew12/17 (B Div)
Christian BrothersCrew14/18 (B Div)
Washington CollegeCrew4/18 (A Div)
RanneyCrew3/14 (A Div)
SUNY MaritimeCrew4/15 (B Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew9/18 (A Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew3/12 (B Div)
TRYC - OCCCrew9/17 (B Div)
Toms River SouthCrew4/18 (B Div)
Toms River SouthCrew9/16 (B Div)
TRYC OCCCrew3/14 (B Div)

Season history for Spring 2016

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
Toms River SouthCrew7/12 (A Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew5/12 (B Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew8/17
TRYC & OCCCrew6/15 (A Div)1/15 (B Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew7/13 (A Div)
Washington CollegeCrew2/15 (B Div)
Toms River SouthCrew7/14 (B Div)
TRYC & OCCCrew6/11 (A Div)
SUNY MaritimeCrew4/16 (A Div)
TRYCCrew1/10 (B Div)
TRYCCrew7/13 (A Div)
Toms River SouthCrew3/14 (A Div)

Season history for Fall 2015

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
TRYCCrew8/13 (A Div)6/13 (B Div)
YSV @ Fort MonroeCrew5/18 (A Div)
TRYCCrew11/15 (A Div)5/15 (B Div)
SSYCCrew5/13 (A Div)
TRYCCrew6/16 (B Div)
TRYCCrew8/16 (A Div)
SUNY Maritime CollegeCrew8/19 (A Div)
TRYCCrew7/16 (A Div)
TRYCCrew6/14 (A Div)2/14 (B Div)
TRYCCrew4/15 (A Div)

Season history for Spring 2015

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
Monmouth U and SSYCSkipper9/12 (B Div)
Christian Brothers ACrew2/12
Georgetown and George Washington UniversitiesCrew10/14 (A Div)
Toms River SouthCrew6/10 (A Div)
TRYCCrew6/15 (A Div)

Season history for Fall 2014

NameHostDatePositionPlace finish
U.S. Coast Guard AcademyCrew14/22 (B Div)
NJISA @ TRYCCrew8/11 (A Div)